How important is it to move ahead in life? And what exactly do we use as a measure for it? What would you value more- internal or external growth? You’d probably say both. I also hear ‘just internal’. Very few that remained quiet might be thinking ‘External matters, ya know. It matters what they think’.
So here’s something to know. Usually when your internal world is evolving it will subsequently start to reflect externally. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be the other way around. Although sometimes you could feel like you are growing within, maybe even becoming a whole new person but the projection of you outside, the visible aspects of your life are still the same i.e, not great, not improving.
Then what’s happening here?
What’s really happening is that one factor that can initiate change and cause the shift, the one (or few) change that is yet to be made that can transport your internal energy and growth to your everyday life is still stuck because you could be doing and improving on a dozen other things about you but you’re avoiding this one.
So identify it and understand that it’s non-negotiable. Usually, it’s just one thing you need to start with but it’s not easy, otherwise you’d have dealt with it sooner. So have the courage to flip it or make small shifts. Whatever you have to do, remember that nothing changes if nothing changes. Do you need your life to start looking different? feel different? You know you have so much to offer and to be. All that needs to change is probably an old habit, a repeating pattern- so go break it. Break it with every little action of yours, each day until and you’ll be set free.
And what’s the measure for all this growth/improvement you ask?
I’d say they’re all around you by way of numbers to give you some sense of competition to push yourself but the best measure is just you. You yesterday vs you today- What you did better or didn’t and hence what changed for the better and what didn’t. How long did it not. Focusing more on what you’re putting in than what’s coming back. That’s how you measure healthy growth and pursue it realistically.
Hope this will be helpful.